Our Story
As our country was in the midst of the 9/11 crisis of 2001, the Lord was planting the seeds of a tree of life that would be called Grace Church of Gainesville. After almost a decade of experience assisting and equipping others to plant churches, God had impressed on the heart of our founding pastor, Rod Fultz, to plant a church that he would be responsible for shepherding.
The Southern Baptist Conservatives (SBC) of Virginia and Emmanuel Baptist Church (Manassas) had a vision to begin a work in the rapidly expanding Gainesville area and called Rod to lead out in the effort. Practically speaking, without the generous financial support of the SBC of VA, Grace Church could not have been established.
In January 2002, with a core group of nine adults, the Fultz’s began weekly Bible studies and door to door outreach, as well as
some advertising. On May 5, 2002 Grace Church held its first public worship service where a small crowd gathered in an old office building to see what this new work was about.
Over the next decade and a half, the congregation met in several schools and in parks and saw many disciples made and children raised up in the fear of the LORD. Over that span we averaged between 100 – 120 in attendance with people learning to walk in God’s grace amid the challenges of life.
The church had purchased 12 acres of land early on and were hoping to build our own building as God provided the funds. However! God’s ways are higher than ours and in 2018 He opened the door for us to purchase the building we now steward for His glory! We can’t give the LORD enough praise for that remarkable gift.
The congregation is now growing steadily with baptisms and people of all ages joining with us in following our King. Worship services now average 170+ with burgeoning youth and young adult ministries. The church is beginning a remodeling process in order to facilitate Sunday School for all ages early in 2020.
Our goal from the beginning has been to be a launching pad for the gospel to the nations. In 2012 we sent out our first family to work among Muslim peoples in Asia. In 2014 we prayerfully encouraged a 2nd family to move to the Middle East, also attempting to relationally reach Muslims. We are praying this trend continues and expands! Locally, we are in joyful partnership with Pillar Network in order to partner with other local churches in an effort to plant more doctrinally sound congregations across Northern Virginia.
Looking at 2020 and beyond, the fellowship of the people and their heart to grow in godliness has never been sweeter. May the Lord continue to pour out His Spirit and enable us to make many more disciples before the Day of His return. Come Lord Jesus!